Timmer users to our e-cards - moving greeting Cards

Timmer users to our e-cards - moving greeting Cards

User Feedback on our E-Cards

Every day we get letters from enthusiastic users of our moving greeting cards. For us this is a great confirmation and a great incentive for our artists to continue.

Moving send out greeting cards and the world smiles back.

Here are a few extracts which we publish here with permission.

I am so excited that I even look at the card again.
The themes are wonderful and the music is beautiful ......... sooooooo gorgeous. 
I'm looking forward to the next card, which I will send. Keep it up. L.G. M.W.

Great site have booked already for 2 years, renew guaranteed.
Forget now no more holidays, I can sit down once a year for 2 hours and all rejoice.

Thanks for the support! Your cards are really beautiful! C.K.
Thank you for the wonderful comments in your newsletters, just great as you can think of something more interesting new!
With warm regards their loyal customer K.T.

Your cards are just great. To prepare the recipient only joy. Do keep it up. m.n
Would like to thank once Bedaken for your beautiful cards.
Your admirers P.C.

I am very happy with your service, thank you, thank you! A.B.

With "AMAZED" compatible and enjoy your ecard has arrived.

There were a few years back such a similar platform, but these are by far surpasses all that I know :-) and I know many. Keep it up! Thank you! Relatively rapid, Berlin

So many Christmas and New Year's cards I have sent it before! They are all presented really adorable and very loving. I especially like the beautiful music in the background. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, without having to think about when buying a card and also very inexpensive to the loved ones happy with a surprise card! M. S., Merzhausen

All my friends and acquaintances an Andreas Piel card received by me, were enchanted and thrilled. I'm already looking forward to further Kunstwerke.Grüsse from Switzerland, René

It's great fun with these e-cards to make other people a joy. Greetings from Franconia, G.K.

Beautiful & original. Please the good work. Good wishes a successful new year 2011! Dear Greetings from Spain as Pangritz

Love ecard-Team, I am thrilled with your design and music. High praise! For us, a horse boarding operation with training and breeding horses with a card would be great. Is possibly a suggestion for 2011 ... Love B. G. Eberfing

I thank you artist you! I am not a card writer, wanted to send only one or two free tickets, got stuck on your side and "had" to send more or less now, because I think your ideas are so beautiful. B.Z., Linz

Dear Mr. Piel and your team
I have only been recently logged onto your website and absolutely loved it. I'm curious really, since everything which is still so ... (I edit photos professionally 
more often, so it can easily understand how much work goes into it ...) I also do not want to miss it, wish you a happy new year also in a good and healthy new year. I wish you much success and many good ideas, BB, Rostock